About Our Business:

Welcome to Earthly Abundance, beautiful child of soil and spirit.
Co-authored by growth-minded husband and wife duo, HippieJesus & RainbowSparkles, Earthly Abundance is a diverse and inclusive holistic spiritual lifestyle practice that designs, handcrafts, and offers advanced physical and digital tools of love, encouragement, and support for those aligned with and actively pursuing ongoing personal growth.
EarthlyAbundance.org was originally created by HippieJesus in 2014. HippieJesus & RainbowSparkles have been creating individually for years before finally merging their individual passions and projects to focus on growing and taking this planet to the next level. A deep passion has fueled our ongoing growth and transformation, both personally and professionally. This passion continues to fuel the evolution forward. We’re figuring it all out as we go, just like you!
Growth work, in part, encompasses acceptance, accountability, releasing and healing old wounds and emotional/mental scars, old traumas, inherited energetic muck, and cleaning up your own messes. It often includes cycle-breaking, going against the grain, removing toxic people from your life who block or intentionally inhibit your growth (even friends and family), and not choosing to (continue to) keep doing something simply because that’s what everyone else is doing, that’s how it’s always been done, that’s what’s been taught by family/society, or that’s just how it is.
Facing your fears, facing your muck, doing better when you learn better, and look for new ways to improve upon your skills and abilities…now THAT takes courage! When your courage catches up to your passion, you are a re-wilded, unstoppable force to be reckoned with and open yourself to living your dreams. It is wildly easier when you have the tools to support and encourage your journey and your progress – that’s where HippieJesus & RainbowSparkles come in with art, inspiration, and connection, in part through their consciously cultivated offerings to support you thriving, living a life you enjoy and feeling comfortable in your own skin, full of authenticity, transparency, honesty, facts, and valuing yourself. Level up, beautiful soul.
About HippieJesus & RainbowSparkles

HippieJesus (he/him), a self-starting, innovative, thought/thoughtful leader, intuitive healer, designer, creator, cycle breaker, and truth teller.
HJ has a passion and natural ability to handcraft plant medicines with unparalleled efficacy and for teaching people how to finding better, easier, more natural ways to live and help our planet.
Practicing Earthly Abundance for HJ has led to driving a hybrid vehicle for 12+ years, finding new ways to implement regenerative gardening techniques, incorporating all sorts of ways to reuse and repurpose common items to reduce waste into daily life, and co-creating pollinator-supporting gardens and cleaning up beaches with RS.
After recently releasing 50 lbs., HJ is still relearning how to listen to the mismatched internal communications of brain and body for what the whole being actually needs to better nourish the unique individual body and it’s miraculous functions.
HJ has a few other exciting projects in the works including his solo video game dev studio, Jump Back Studios.
In addition to all this, HJ has a passion for studying the diversity of the flora and fauna on their travels. This includes mindfully forging wild seeds and other natural materials he and RS work with in their offerings.

RainbowSparkles (she/her) is a wildly colorful and deliberate creator, artist, storyteller, dreamer, cycle breaker, and healer committed to personal growth.
It’s an ongoing healing and transformation from the business-suit, pearls, heels, carrying 100+lbs of excess weight, and battling breast cancer of her former days as an Executive Assistant in a big city.
RS has released immense amounts of muck from her matriarchal lineage and continues to work on healing and releasing her struggles and embrace her past darker experiences with her own inextinguishable light. Through her own curiosities, she has uncovered all sorts of learnings about herself and the world around her.
Healing is ongoing. Personal growth is ongoing. And as a soul having a human experience, RS is taking in all the lessons and sharing her learnings with others.
RS creates various content projects for their Youtube Channel, as well as developing recipes for a delicious and fun cookbook to inspire and support others on their wellness journey (thankfully HJ doesn’t mind being the chief sampler).
Her passions include creating custom jewelry pieces, exploring new places, studying, photographing, and wild-forging some of the abundant, medicinal flora and fauna of the Pacific Northwest and Sonoran Desert along the way.