About Our Logo

Earthly Abundance Logo
Designed by C
Over the years of beach clean up adventures in Washington state, Oregon, and California, I have found I can turn some of the trash into upcycled treasures using seaglass or naturally smoothed beach glass. Glass represents transformation and rebirth, and it could not exists without the elements of earth (green), fire (amber), air (light aqua), and water (cobalt blue).
While admiring a few of their favorite pieces and going through my own rebirth, I was arranging the pieces in various formations, noticing this one in particular looked like a joyously dancing figure. Of all the various formations, this one resonated with M as well.
One variation had this figure tucked inside the comfort of a small circle, and that wasn’t quite right, though it reflected where I was (up in my head at the time) wanting to create a safe space, while feeling like I need more space and getting in my own way. There was no room to grow. With a few creative tweaks, this colorful, joyous, dancing figure was taking a big leap out of the former comfort zone, something that resonated and aligned better with where we are in our practices as well as where we want to go. If we stay inside our tiny comfort zone, there’s no room to grow, but once we step out of our comfort zone, we become infinite with possibilities.
This new logo reflects and symbolizes exactly what we have been doing through a couple challenging years of incubating ideas, healing, releasing, and gaining clarity on transforming the direction and purpose of this next chapter of Earthly Abundance.
Through this body of ongoing exploring and developing deeper energetic, physical, mental, emotional, soulful, and spiritual practices, we are bringing our own art, inspiration, and connection to new levels to other beautiful souls with the courage to grow. Onwards and upwards! It’s time to let more of this love light shine. May we all have the courage to transform and shine our brightest.