Earthly Abundance Logo Designed by C Over the years of beach clean up adventures in Washington state, Oregon, and California, I have found I can turn some of the trash into upcycled treasures using
Earthly Abundance Logo Designed by C Over the years of beach clean up adventures in Washington state, Oregon, and California, I have found I can turn some of the trash into upcycled treasures using
Shell Shells help us with reconnecting us with our emotional (feeling) body, our intuition, our sensitivity, and our divine feminine. Shells also bring an increase of Goddess energy. Shell offers wonderful support when you’re
We all need a little reminder now and than. Here’s one, filled with so much love, from us to you! Take a couple moments for yourself and just breathe. If you are someone who
Unakite balances the emotional body, is helpful for supporting you overcoming addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, etc.), is energetically uplifting, cancels out electromagnetic energy, aids in successful conception, and is calmly nurturing. Unakite great for
Wood The element of natural wood is in the Eastern position, opening, growing, expansive, brighter, and energetic like the eastern sunrise. Gives clear ideas a clean boost. Natural wood, when transformed into beautiful jewelry
Tonight, I bathed myself under a darkened sky bursting with stars. A plastic storage tote filled about 1/3 full with water from a hose, a bar of soap, and a tiny, stainless steel camping
In addition to finding some of Chrissy’s travel and lifestyle stock photography available for digital download on popular sites such as https://www.dreamstime.com, you may also find an increasing collection of her exquisite work available
Our Virtual Photography Art Gallery is NOW OPEN! https://www.EarthlyAbundance.org/photography is now open 24/7 featuring C’s amazing photography of the past 20+ years. Many images are available on high quality products made to order (printed
Ganesh supports removing blocks or obstacles. You may purchase all kinds of beautiful goods with this Ganesh statue photograph in our RedBubble Shop at https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/70933216 Walking along the shoreline one spectacularly sunny Sunday in