Happy New Year, Beautiful Souls! We’ve been doing immense amounts of personal and professional work behind the scenes as we continue to give ourselves and our beloved website a major overhaul, including our webshop
When you are working on healing passed down traumas through your maternal lineage and strengthen your passions around taking back your power and leading your own life… When you decide you are done being

Shell Shells help us with reconnecting us with our emotional (feeling) body, our intuition, our sensitivity, and our divine feminine. Shells also bring an increase of Goddess energy. Shell offers wonderful support when you’re

Smoky Quartz Grounding, Amplifying, Shielding As part of the quartz family, smoky quartz offers the energy of amplifying whatever other stones it’s around as well as offering a boost to overall heath and spiritual

Snowflake Obsidian A stone of clearing and balancing the light and darkness within and around you to assist in staying grounded in the present moment and focused on the project, task, or action at

Sodalite Stone of rational thought and clear and calm emotions. Sodalite brings joy to a heavy heart, boosts harmony, balances emotions, and it’s deep blue color and soothing energy may be helpful for reducing

Tiger’s Eye Tiger’s Eye, also known as golden tiger’s eye offers protection from negative interactions with others or their negative intensions. It is helpful for supporting the work you’re doing to stay grounded –

C taught herself how to make jewelry after receiving a necklace she admired many years ago and has developed her own unique, artisan style. C works primarily with bare copper wire and occasionally vintage