Crystalpedia: Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian
A stone of clearing and balancing the light and darkness within and around you to assist in staying grounded in the present moment and focused on the project, task, or action at hand.
Healing, transformation, and growth includes both the light and darkness we each have within us. For most of my first few decades, I was so very fully of the brightest light. I was light, I radiated light, and shined my light for ANYONE and everyone. I grew up in a family where you don’t acknowledge your darkness or your shadow self let alone sit with it, accept it, or do anything with it – you simply swept it under the rug and didn’t talk about it. I’m sure that sounds all too familiar for some.
The past few years have been full of deeply diving into and learning about my shadow self, my darkness, and at times, it felt like it could swallow me whole. It’s easy to get stuck thinking about a past trauma or unhealed soul wound, and lose our grounding in the present moment. I’ve been there!
When I found myself spinning on something within my darkness and just feeling stuck within the emotions of the past and not at all present, snowflake obsidian became one of my many entrusted allies and I worked with it to support me finding my way through my own darkness and finding better balance with my light and darkness and come back to the present.
Your darkness isn’t something to hide from or sweep under the rug – your darkness is part of who you are, part of all your experiences, and deserves love and kindness just as your light does, and snowflake obsidian may be helpful for those trying to find that balance of their light and darkness and stay present through it all. That’s how growth takes place. And this is the perfect stone to help you keep moving forward.