Crystalpedia: Sugilite

All about love, love, love! Nurturing and a strong protector and shield for extra sensitive souls and souls who feel out of place or not belonging – a common theme for many of us on this planet earth during these wildly unprecedented and transformative times.
Sweet and quite rare, sugilite boosts devotion and spiritual wisdom, and assists with dream work and helping a soul understand its purpose(s) for the current incarnation. It’s a crystal that supports releasing mental and emotional stress before it turns into dis-ease in the body. It’s also very beneficial for those who have or are experiencing big illnesses. It increases love and light and optimism and may be helpful for dream recall.

I have always been a vivid and detailed dreamer but after a head injury in late 2019, I stopped dreaming. The colorful ideas I would come up with while sleeping were non-existent and I felt out of place in my own body without my dreams. Sugilite is one of the tools I worked with to help re-initiate dream recall as well as to support the different things I was doing to be gentle and patient with myself as I healed.
While I don’t dream as vividly as perhaps I once did (yet), I have regained some ability to recall my dreams and I know I feel better just wearing my sugilite and copper necklace (similar to item 11222) whenever I feel a need to offer myself more supportive, loving, protective, and preventative care.
I have designed and made a necklace (similar to 11274) for myself that is one of my favorite pieces. I bring out more in the colder, darker winter months to support the work I am doing to experience more warmth, happiness, and love and to assist and support transmuting stress, illness, or dis-ease into greater health and wellness for an even brighter, light-filled, future.

If you’d like to connect deeper with a rare, genuine purple-magenta sugilite necklace of your own, you’re encouraged to explore these stunning beauties I made in our webshop. Sending you so much love and gratitude for you and your being here on your own journey and sharing in and helping to support ours.