Crystalpedia: Sunstone

A stone of leadership, light, and abundance. It helps in balancing all the chakra energy centers of the body. Aligns the head and the heart, boosts emotional independence, and helps to alleviate seasonal bouts of depression.
It’s a stone that increases confidence, giving you strength to push back when needed and exercise your sacred NO. It’s a powerful stone of joy, enthusiasm, optimism, and helps remove fear, negativity, and doubt. It’s thought to be more of a masculine stone (vs Moonstone for example, which is a feminine, goddess stone). Guides those who are called towards living a life of being of service and may be especially helpful for the quiet and gentle soul who is working on becoming more assertive.
From our experiences, assertiveness is often leading and living your life from a place of compassionate power and confidence and full of inspiration, encouraging you to think for yourself and be your own person – often times empaths, whereas aggressiveness is often cockiness, a lack of confidence and a need to prove something to someone, while intentionally making people feel bad in order to feel better about themselves and make up for the inner power they don’t actually know how to develop – often times the bully, the terrible manager, and or classic narcissist – and also often the ones who try to force their beliefs on you and discourage your independence.
If you consider yourself a sensitive soul, this is a loving reminder that sensitivity is truly a beautiful trait, and it’s been our experience as sensitive souls that our power is rooted within our gentleness, kindness, and awareness, and that power is what the bullies and narcissists find threatening. If you are a sensitive soul who has had encounters with a narcissist, sunstone may be a powerful ally for energetic cord cutting with whomever still tries to have their hooks in you. Sunstone supports the courage it takes for a sensitive soul to step out into the light, and we are stepping out into the light right along side with you as we continue to do our own work. You’ve got this!!