Deer + Cedar

When a deer reveals itself to you, the universe/Creator/God/Goddess is communicating a message to you, if you’re aware and open to receiving it. Deer shows up to remind you to treat yourself with love and kindness and respect and not be so critical of your perceived imperfections. Deer also shows us that we cannot force change in others but we may lead by example. Deer is a magnificent creature sharing a message bringing you serenity and gentleness.
Our smudge wands, handcrafted by C, tied with 100% cotton threads, are available in a very limited quantity in our shop. What makes our smudge wands unique? The small batch of smudge wands available in our shop come from cedar branches that were knocked down by a majestic, old buck rubbing his antlers on one of the naturally sprouted up cedar trees in the old growth forest of the Earthly Abundance homestead. There is a very special energy from this cedar and perfect for your spiritual gatherings, retreats, rituals, and a conscious cosmic rendezvous solo getaway.
Cedar smoke is associated with purification and cleansing and is a wonderful plant ally to clear and purify the energy of a room or the energy around a person.
Safely light one end of the smudge wand and gently wave the smoke around with your hand or other tool and enjoy the natural cedar aroma. The cedar is rich in natural oils and while dried, it will likely stay lit for up to a couple minutes at most and this is not only natural, it’s ideal for only burning what you need.
We work with deep gratitude both in our hearts and in our hands and enjoy offering some of the same tools we use ourselves (especially when we have to go to a town for supplies, we enjoy a good smudging when we get back to our base).