Hello everyone!
Welcome to Earthly Abundance. Who am I? I’m your host and guide Mike, although over the last few months quite a few people have started calling me “HippieJesus”. I rather like that, so I’m running with itI hope that this site and forum will help others out there find their own way to create earthly abundance. The concept behind earthly abundance comes from a distaste for our consumerism driven culture that relies on feeding our insecurities with media bombarding us with messages telling us that our lives aren’t good enough or that we are lacking something without whatever it is they want you to buy. Abundance does not come from having more things. Abundance comes from being so grateful for what you have, that you don’t need anything else.
I used to be a video game designer. At the beginning of January 2014, I suddenly found myself unemployed. My first reaction was one of relief. The video game industry is incredibly stressful, full of toxic emotions and people. For the last thirteen years, it was the only real job I had known, and it seemed that surely my next step would be to start a studio of my own. For a month or two there was a lot of activity in my life towards that, but it was not to be. My desire to remain in that toxic environment had increasingly waned to the point of nonexistence.
It became nearly impossible for me to touch a laptop without feeling physically ill. I found it increasingly difficult to focus on anything other than my spiritual development.
I have always been claircognizant, but have not always been accepting of it. Ever since I was a child, I knew that was some greater purpose for my being here. I have always been in search of my purpose but never knew what it was. I knew was meant for more than slaving away at some corporate job in hopes of some grand payout at some point, but had no clue what that might be. After suddenly finding myself unable to continue working in the video game profession, I threw myself into spiritual discovery in the hopes that it would lead me down my next path in life.
My spirit had been almost fully bound by ego during my decade plus of professional ‘dedication’ that left me unable to do much more than work and sleep. I have spent the last few months on a journey to remember my talents as a healer, discover knowledge that had been lost through time, and understand the oneness of our universal existence. These lessons have left me with a feeling that I must share this knowledge with others, and that is why this website exists.
Now I approach this new beginning with a bit of uncertainty and no small measure of anxiety as my ego still remains a powerful force, but I have faith that the universe will provide. As my namesake healed others with cannabis oil and tried to teach the ways of love and universal oneness, so shall I.
Welcome, and enjoy your stay!