Inspire vs Influence

I don’t want to influence you, to convince you that a certain decision is the best decision for you. That deprogramming is removing your natural ability to make decisions on your own and for your self and greater good, and making you doubt what you do choose on own. That’s just not heartcentered, not authentic, and old earth programming.
Inspiring. That’s who I am, at the core. I am choosing to live a life of joy, of passion, of brilliant experiences such as walking through your homestead at dawn with your husband and watching a butterfly feasting on a sunflower you’re growing and feeling complete peace and gratitude and feeling sofa king alive that you snap a quick photo of the experience.
I LIVE for these moments.
They inspire me to create and love and be the best me I came here to be. And and share about the experience behind the photo with the intention of inspiring your sunflower and pollinator dreams and recognize the joys that continue to give so abundantly when you open yourself up to them. Starting seeds indoors, playing Mozart for them (yup, very serious).
Watching them grow bigger and bigger and tell me exactly where in the homestead they would be their best. Beautiful, cheerful flowers that people slow down to admire.
Feeding pollinators that pollinate the small orchard that is part of the Earthly Abundance homestead. These sunflower seeds also feed the humans herr, Hippie Jesus and I. And let me tell you the taste of a fresh harvested, sun dried sunflower seed is otherworldly deeeelish.
Feeling so grounded and present in the moment to experience these miracles is a good feeling. Being able to sell my photography to various outlets and customers around the world, just sends that love out there farther and farther.
Creating seeds abundantly, enough to harvest seeds for our gardens, for sharing and trading, for selling some in our shop that perpetuates joy and nourishment on many levels and supports us and the work we are doing here at Earthly Abundance.
We also intentionally leave many stalks for birds wintering here or passing through on their way south. And there is still plenty out in the field now.
It’s a gift to the earth to plant, an offering of love and sharing. When it grows, the earth is loving you back giving back to you what you need. And then some! You nourish each other living in balance. It’s what we’ve learned and what we are here share. Being an Inspiration is living these experiences and sharing them with others.
The world needs more inspiration. If you are curious, yes, you may indeed feel free to purchase a big pack of our special seeds of Inspiration for yourself and BE an Inspiration too!
Welcome to the next chapter! 🥰We’re an energetic house of intentional energy, living consciously with Earthly Abundance. And it feels good to have you growing along for the adventure.