Just Breathe

We all need a little reminder now and than. Here’s one, filled with so much love, from us to you! Take a couple moments for yourself and just breathe. If you are someone who experiences anxiety (we’re both familiar with experiencing those feels), you may also find it helpful to close your eyes, inhale a slow, gentle, deep breath for 4 seconds, hold it for 4 seconds, and exhale a slow and gentle, deep breath for 4 seconds.
We’ve found for us, repeating that 4-4-4 breathing technique a few times in a row (and as often as needed) and hydrating with good water has been a helpful tool to calm, re-ground, and reset in a matter of moments.
This sweet lil photo reminder was something C created one low-tide evening, sending that message out into the universe to every passer-by, to the earth, to the ocean. Sandwriting is one of many ways we enjoy sharing our art, inspiration, and connection. Just Breathe.
And, as always, and as stated on our Terms and Conditions page link at the to of our website,
Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any offering, suggestion, mention, product, or service have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Seek professional medical assistance if you are experiencing a medical issue. Upon entering and/or purchasing from this site or links to our work on subsequent sites, you hereby agree to take full responsibility for yourself, your health and your wellbeing, and release, indemnify and hold harmless, C, Chrissy Ferguson, Rainbow Sparkles, M, Mike Ferguson, Hippie Jesus, or Earthly Abundance or their employees or heirs.