New Breathing Experience up on our YouTube Channel!

RainbowSparkles/ November 25, 2019/ Health and Wellness

I know many folks are already feeling some anxiety around the upcoming holidays and just life in general and we’re sending you some love and support with the creation of this breathing experience. It’s a breathing technique that we work with on ourselves and each other and feels so calming. I would love to virtually lead you through a calming, relaxing, breathing experience you can bookmark and visit whenever you choose so I have created the audio and visual components of, our newest video on our YouTube Channel. (Please remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel)

We want to remind you that you are not alone. If being around family, however you define it, negatively affects your mental or emotional health, choose to honor yourself, your needs, you do not actually have to go to that place, or do that thing, or interact with those people. We also want to offer some love and support and help keep you calm, centered, grounded, and aligned so head over and enjoy nearly 30 minutes of reiki-infused splendifferousness now! is a breathing experience good for all ages. Namaste. _/|\_

Earthly Abundance is the Adventures of Rainbow Sparkles & Hippie Jesus (C + M) and the magnificent abundance they find on their adventures in, on, and around planet earth. 

THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE! We would be thrilled if you like this video and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and share it on social media if feel guided to do so. Here are the various ways we would LOVE to welcome your support so that we may keep moving forward and making the world a better place while making our dreams our reality. We’re glad you are here with us. XOXO 

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