Retiring from PEOPLE Photography

After a couple decades and some incredible experiences working with amazing souls, I decided my passion truly awakens and my work behind the camera feels most purposeful when I am simply out in nature with cameras in hand, experiencing the miracles I encounter along the way.
I have enjoyed such a vast variety in taking pictures of people, from the first wedding I did at the base of Snoqualmie Falls in 2008, to the corporate portraits, corporate events, adoption celebrations, milestone birthdays, school portraits, elderly couple portraits, fun family portraits, best friend portraits, donated photography services to spouses of deployed service members and to various charitable events, and more. I have been present with camera in hand for such incredible diversity and inclusion and SO MUCH LOVE of all varieties. Wow!
I’ve been extremely fortunate to have many clients return multiple times and have enjoyed being an intricate part of many unique photography experiences, but it’s not where I want to grow and this truly feels like the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, and I can hardly wait to see where it goes. I am working on creating and aligning with a softer, slower, more gentle path and with the world as it is, that means less peopling in general, and taking time to go within and get quiet and listen for the soul whispers.
As I continue to fully embrace my path and my purpose, I express my deepest gratitude for each client, supporter, and friend who has supported my photography passions and been a part of my splendifferous journey. I am learning doing and growing in ways I cannot put into words.
Here’s a highlight gallery with a few of my favorite people photos I’ve taken. Thank you for being here now, as I move forward and honor my passions.