Stones for Multi-Passionate Creatives

Aventurine is the stone of opportunity and good luck, helps manifest wealth and personal growth, and assists in supporting you letting go and releasing old disappointments so new growth can take place.

Then we bring in sunstone, the stone of leadership, light, confidence, and abundance. It’s warm, sunny hues support you awakening your most bold, courageous, and abundant self while leading from a place of sparkling joy (yay new growth)!

As you climb your own energetic ladder higher and higher, we bring in larimar, to help us stay calm, cool and collected while we shine brighter and brighter. Larimar is the stone of calming, cooling, and soothing with it’s pale aqua hues resembling gentle waters.

Amethyst kicks it all up a few notches with boosting creative thinking, sending out tension-soothing energy, and helping you practice balance in all aspects of your life.
When you’re pursuing your wildest and boldest creative dreams, things don’t necessarily turn out the way you think they will but there will be all kinds of lessons to learn along the way. As a multi-passionate creative, it’s all too easy to get stuck in a pattern of stressing on what didn’t work, doubting yourself, and wondering what to do next. Enter this stone combo! It encourages you to take a little time to rest and hit a reset button, clear out the old to make room for the new, and step boldly and confidently and calmly into the new light of leading your most divine, sparkling creations.

You could combine these stones and carry them with you in a pocket or purse or perhaps you might like to wear these stones closer to your physical body, in the form of a necklace. We have item 11293 in our webshop you might like to explore. It’s your time to SHINE, fellow creative one!