When the signs are obvious

Ganesh supports removing blocks or obstacles. You may purchase all kinds of beautiful goods with this Ganesh statue photograph in our RedBubble Shop at https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/70933216
Walking along the shoreline one spectacularly sunny Sunday in Edmonds, WA, I spotted something odd – there was an unusual clearing in the dense blanket of algae floating on the surface of the water a couple feet off shore, and something floating upside down in the center of it. At first, it looked like a small traffic cone upside down in this peculiar clearing.
It was any usual day, and I picked up rubbish regularly and recycled or disposed of it properly, and if I saw something close to shore, I would find a way to fish it out.
This here is Brackett’s Landing, a marinelife preservation area and an underwater dive park – as in there are things set in place underwater, made for scuba divers. It’s a WONDERFUL place to learn to scuba if that’s your thing. The anemone and starfish are mindblowing in this area of Washington state and you are able to see quite a bit of them at a negative tide around full moons.
I roll up my pant cuffs as usual, and wade out as far as I can, and the algae plant matter is warm, moist, rubbery-slimy on my ankles.
Eventually the tide and I collaborate and I get closer to the object. I can see it’s a statue and I reach in and pull out this statue of Ganesh just over a foot tall.
Yep, that photo above was taken right after I pulled it out. I was so awestruck I just sat my buns on the wet sand and stared at this thing I just fished out. And holy crap, it’s dense clay of some kind and heavy, and definitely hazardous to the scuba divers and sea life.
I look around and there’s few people out and it felt as it looks – just Ganesh on the Beach and I, and not another human around. This was 2014 and I was fairly newish on my spiritual journey and it took a moment to really register what I experienced.
The universe delivered an obvious sign of assistance/support meant for me to remove blocks and obstacles that were getting in the way of my dreams. (*Spoiler Alert: I was in my own way) Ganesh removes blocks/obstacles. Ganesh is clarity. And with how clear the water was surrounding this statue floating amid thick blooming algae, I understood.
This Ganesh has travelled many miles with us and has been utilized in numerous ceremonies and blessings and continues to be an important part of our increasingly sparse decor.”Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha” is the mantra said 108 times to invite Ganesh in and to remove obstacles and blocks.
It is an honor to have connected with such a powerful diety in such a way that is the usual for me, and one reason why my nickname is Rainbow Sparkles. 🙂 I now invite more magical, sparkly awesome experiences in my life and thank you Ganesh, for helping me see how I get in my own way. I now make better choices with less and less obstacles getting in the way of my greater purposes and wildest dreams. _/|\_ And so it is.