11653 Ribbons and Bows Earrings


1 in stock


11653 Ribbons and Bows Earrings

From hypoallergenic surgical steel ear hooks hangs a bright red bicone glass bead and the most darling bow charm. For winter parties and celebrations like Yule, Solstice, or Christmas, it’s like a shimmering holly berry and bright silver Christmas ribbon. But these aren’t just holiday earrings, dear soul, they are also for when every day feels like a gift and you want to add some extra sparkle to your day.

Sending you so much love and aloha as you go through your day, and thank you for sharing your time with us and sharing Earthly Abundance with your family and friends. We’re growing stronger with supporters like you.




Additional information

Weight14 g
Dimensions3.5 × 2.0 × .50 in


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